Massachusetts Historical Society

Citation Permissions

研究ers citing and quoting from unpublished materials held at the MHS must request permission from the Society through their Portal1791 账户. 的 reference librarian reviews all requests to ensure there are no copyright or other restrictions on the materials. When a request is approved, you will receive use permission 不ification through Portal1791.

没有费用 charged for citation/quotation permission.

Submitting Citations

To initialize your request, locate the collection from which you plan to cite or quote material using 阿比盖尔 and submit a reproduction/use permission request through Portal1791.

的 MHS grants citation permission at the collection level so there is no need to itemize individual citations in your request. When prompted to provide information regarding specific materials for reproduction you may simply write "Entire collection" in the field.

You will need to submit a separate request for each collection.

When providing a project description, please include:

● Title of work and publication title (if relevant)

● Publisher or sponsoring institution

● Actual or planned date of publication, presentation, exhibition opening, etc.

● Mailing address where you wish to receive the permission letter.

Once your request has been submitted the reference librarian will review the collection for copyright or other restrictions and, if the request is approved, issue a use permission confirmation 不ice delivered to your Portal1791 账户 and via email.

Published Materials

MHS有 have a role in granting permission to cite or quote from published works including, but 不 limited to, 书, 猛烈抨击, 小册子, 和期刊. When a work has been published, the intellectual copyright lies with the author until the copyright expires.

Cornell University provides a useful chart showing the Copyright Term and Public Domain in the United States as well as a checklist for fair use of published materials that may be helpful to you in determining whether or 不 any published materials you wish to reproduce are protected by copyright.

Crafting Citations

Please review our citation guidelines as you finalize your citations. If you have questions about how to cite a specific document, please contact the reference librarian. 在你的邮件里, provide as much detail regarding the item as you can so that we may assist you to the best of our abilities.

MHS有 不 provide verification of quotations.

Exempt Categories

的 following uses are exempt from the formal use permissions process:

● Academic assignments, other than theses/dissertations

● Lectures, presentations, and classroom use

● Personal blogs/websites, and social media platforms

Please follow the citation guidelines to ensure proper identification of materials used.

