Object of the Month


Hannah R. 儿童家庭记录取样器黑色棉线在松散编织的天然亚麻上

Hannah R. Child family record sampler

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

这是汉娜·理查兹·查尔德于1827年缝制的针织品样品,纪念丹尼尔和丽贝卡·理查兹·查尔德夫妇在西罗克斯伯里和牛顿, Massachusetts.

Recording family history

虽然大多数人都熟悉出版的家谱和发霉的家庭圣经中祖先的手稿名单, 家谱在装饰艺术中也起着举足轻重的作用. 其中最有趣的是家庭记录采样器, 哪个最早出现在18世纪晚期,并在1820年至1830年间达到了流行的顶峰, particularly in New England. 而上一代的女孩可能会通过缝制精美的纹章来表达她们的家族自豪感, as Sally Cobb Paine did in the 1760s, by the turn of the century, 女孩们缝制的记录不那么正式,更侧重于记录自己的家庭单位. As Peter Benes notes, 在这些记录中,家庭的团结是用一种常见的、容易理解的视觉词汇来表现的, “by interlocking chains, by adjacent circles, by standing architectural structures, and by planted grids or ‘fields’ of names.”

The Child family sampler

汉娜·理查兹·查尔德1827年的家庭记录采样器包含了贝内斯公式的元素. 坚固的两根柱子将家族的名字包裹在里面, 上面有一个拱门,上面写着“孩子是上帝的遗产”,” from Psalms 127:3, 书中继续写道:“人在年轻时所生的孩子,好像勇士手中的箭. 箭袋装满箭的,这人有福了.汉娜选择的赞美诗既是对她坚定的宗教信仰的肯定,也是对她父亲的爱的致敬. After her mother Rebecca died in 1826, 汉娜——根据她自己的讣告——“为她在世的父母鞠躬尽瘁, consoling him under many trials, 他最近被要求通过, 并以一定程度的判断来管理他的家庭, prudence, and affection that are seldom equalled.”

Within the pillars, 汉娜记录下了自己和11个兄弟姐妹的名字和生日, 虽然在她缝家谱的时候, 她的三个兄弟姐妹和母亲都去世了. 有两个名字在名单上重复出现——以撒和哈拿. At the time, 儿童死亡率并不罕见,当一个儿童死亡, 下一个同性别的孩子有时会以他或她的前任命名, often within the same year. This occurred twice in the Child family. 第一个汉娜出生在1794年,并在缝纫 her own sampler in 1805, 她于1809年1月去世,年仅14岁. Our sampler maker, born later that year, was christened Hannah, a name that proved unlucky for her as well. Four years after stitching this sampler, 汉娜·理查兹·查尔德悲剧收场,并在1831年4月13日出版的《 Columbian Centinel:

Died, in Newton, on the 5th inst. Miss Hannah R. child, aged 22, youngest daughter of Mr. Daniel Child. The sudden death of this young woman, 还有它的悲惨境遇, 给整个社区蒙上了一层阴影. To see one, thus lovely and excellent, at one moment in perfect health, and, at the next, 被死亡以最令人心碎的方式从我们身边夺走, is truly distressing. In the afternoon of that day, 她年迈的父亲离家去参加附近一所学校的考试. On his return, about five o’clock, finding her not in the house, and having waited a short time, 刹那间,他以为她会回来,却感到惊慌. 邻居们都利记手机官网起来,开始搜寻. 晚上8点,她的遗体在房子附近的井底被发现. It appears that she had gone to the well for water; and that, in reaching over the curb, to lift out the bucket, 她沉到了井底, that was twenty-five feet deep, with fourteen feet of water. Medical aid was at hand, and every effort made to rekindle the spark of life; but it was quenched.

这一事件所呈现的景象令亲历者痛心. 她母亲去世后的几年里, 这个慈爱的女儿对她尚在人世的父母尽心尽力, consoling him under many trials, 他最近被要求通过, 并以一定程度的判断来管理他的家庭, prudence, and affection that are seldom equalled. To see this old man, 他对女儿安全的担忧与日俱增, in the apprehension for her fate, 每耽搁一分钟,情况就变得更加可怕, and the yet evident fear to know the worst, and at last in the agonies of despair, when he saw that she was dead, 一定触动了每一颗没有失去知觉的心吧. To her father no blow could be more painful, 在她的朋友圈子里——在她的大圈子里——对她的兄弟姐妹们来说,没有比这更严厉的了, none more sensibly felt. 这个死亡在社会上留下的空白不会轻易被填补. 但是她所有的朋友都从他们的宗教信仰和希望中得到安慰, 她的美丽和卓越的性格. 我们在上帝神圣旨意的神秘运作前鞠躬, 希望和信任那些可能受到她榜样影响的人跟随她的脚步, 愿我们以后能和她一起得到那仁慈地摆在我们希望面前的奖赏吗, as motives to virtue, 死者直到死都相信的福音, and which she adorned in her life.

For further reading

汉娜·查尔德和汉娜·理查德·查尔德工作的样本连同他们兄弟的文件一起交给了马萨诸塞州历史学会 John Richards Child.

协会还保存着他们兄弟的文件 Daniel Franklin Child.

The MHS also owns a family record sampler by Sally Whitcomb of Randolph, Mass., ca. 1809.

Benes, Peter. 《装饰的新英格兰家庭登记簿,1770年至1850年 家庭的艺术:新英格兰的家谱文物 波士顿:新英格兰历史家谱学会,2002.

Child, Elias. 儿童家谱,儿童和儿童家庭 Utica, N.Y.: Curtiss & Childs, 1881.

Huber, Stephen and Carol Huber. Samplers: How to Compare and Value London: Octopus Publishing Group, 2002.

Ring, Betty. Girlhood Embroidery: American Samplers & Pictorial Needlework 1650-1850 New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.